frost advisory in effect for Madison County, NY as of now. The National Weather Service (NWS) issues frost advisories when conditions are favorable for frost development during the growing season due to overnight minimum temperatures falling between 33°F to 36°F1. The current temperature in Madison County, NY is 50°F and the forecast for tonight is 41°F2. However, there is a frost advisory in effect for Lewis and St. Lawrence counties, which are about 100 miles north of Madison County, NY. The NWS said that temperatures going into the mid 30s will result in accumulation. Frost could kill or damage plants that are uncovered3. The advisory urges people to take action when it comes to sensitive plants3. You can check the latest weather alerts for your location on Local Conditionsor National Weather Service.
wind gusts for Sunday, October 22, 2023 in Madison County, NY are not expected to be 30-40 mph. The closest location that has a wind forecast for that date is Madison, WI, which is about 800 miles away from Madison County, NY. The wind gusts for