weather forecast for Canastota, NY? If so, I can help you with that. According to the weather data from MSN, the evening will be windy and partly cloudy, with a high temperature of 76 degrees fahrenheit and a low temperature of 53 degrees fahrenheit1. The precipitation chance is 4%1. The sunset time will be 8:19:36 PM1. Tonight, it will be mostly cloudy, breezy and cool, with a low temperature of 63 degrees fahrenheit2. There is a 21% chance of rain2. Tomorrow, Sunday, it will be mostly sunny and warm, with a high temperature of 83 degrees fahrenheit and a low temperature of 66 degrees fahrenheit2. There is a 24% chance of thunderstorms2. The sunrise time will be 5:53:32 AM and the sunset time will be 8:22:13 PM2. Monday, it will be partly sunny and hot, with a high temperature of 90 degrees fahrenheit and a low temperature of 68 degrees fahrenheit2. There is a 68% chance of strong to severe storms2. You can also check out other sources of weather information from AccuWeather, The Weather Channel, or WeatherWX for more details. I hope this helps you plan your weekend. Have a great day!
